Semecarpus anacardium, Linn.

Family: Anacarliaceae

Common Name : Marking nut

Telugu Name : Nallajeedi

General :

A common tree of dry deciduous forests, easily recognized by large leaves and the red blaze exuding resin which blackens on exposure. It is frequently found in drier rather than damp localities. No specific soil affinity. It is a moderate shade bearer.

Flowering :

The greenish yellow flowers appear with new leaves in May-June.

Fruiting :

The fruit ripens from December-March.

Morphology of the Fruit/Seed :

An oblong drupe, 2.5 to 3.8 cms long, compressed, shining black when ripe, seated on an orange-coloured receptacle formed of the disk, the base of the calyx and the extremity of the peduncle.

Seed Collection and Storage :

Seed is collected in December to January. Fertile are seen at very early age; even coppice shoots of 1 to 2 years old bear fruit. The seeds do not retain viablity and they should be sown immediately after collection

Seed Biology :

No. of seeds per Kg.

Germination percentage

Plant percent

Period of germination in days

No. of seedlings per Kg. of seed

460 to 880

21 to 57





48 hours soaking in cold water.

Nursery Technique :

Seeds are sown in polybags in December and the germination is noticed within 20 to 25 days. A layer of hay is covered over polybags for the uniform heat to be maintained. Pregerminated seeds are preferred for raising nurseries. It does not stand transplanting well.